Funded by DMS-2038103
Funded by NSF RTG grant DMS-2038103
Process tooling and AUTOSAR development
Bootloader integrations for advanced vehicle stability control (braking) systems.
Algebraic techniques, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations and inequalities. Course Listing
Algebraic techniques and modeling; quantitative methods for treating problems that arise in management and economic sciences; topics include algebra techniques, functions and functional models, exponential and logarithmic functions and models, and a thorough introduction to differential calculus; examples and applications from management, economic sciences, and related areas; for students planning to major in business. Course Listing
Topics in mathematical biology; canonical mathematical modeling and analysis of problems in the biological sciences (data analysis and introduction to machine learning). Course Listing
Scientific teaching principles (e.g., backwards design, active learning, formative assessment); students develop a teaching unit based on some aspect of their research and teach it to the class in preparation for future interviews where the ability to explain the background and significance for their research is a highly valued skill. Requirements: minimum of 60 s.h. earned, junior or senior standing, and undergraduate research experience. Course Listing
Structure for development, planning, and implementation of a culminating project for the Iowa Sciences Academy; students dedicate three to five hours per week to the project and are encouraged to connect their projects to community issues or problem; integration of external learning experiences and activities including interviews, scientific observations, or internships. Course Listing
Professional and career development; tours of scientific research facilities and laboratories on campus; network with professors and graduate students; explore different types of research environments on campus; learn how to identify and contact potential research mentors. Course Listing
JMM AMS Special Session on Results on Curves and Surfaces Inspired by Experiments Program
Dearborn Colloquia: The Tanglenomicon: Tabulation of two string tangles
Submitted poster on “How One GTA Restructured a Course on Teaching Undergraduate Research”
Funded by NSF RTG grant DMS-2038103
Funded by AMS Travel Grant
Funded by NSF Knots in Washington Grant and NSF RTG grant DMS-2038103
Funded by NSF RTG grant DMS-2038103
Funded by The University of Iowa Department of Mathematics
Funded by AMS Travel Grant
Funded by ICERM and NSF RTG grant DMS-2038103
Funded by The University of Iowa Department of Mathematics
Speaking series as outreach to midwest colleges.
Explore Career Paths in Mathematics and Statistics: Alumni Panel Discussion
The Exploring Majors Fair on each Hawkeye Visit Day connects prospective undergraduate students with departments of their interest.